校際人工智能 EDGE 級方程式比賽
Terms and Conditions
Important Notice
By submitting his/her registration and subsequently taking part in the competition, a Participant:
warrants and confirms to the Organiser that he/she is not suffering from and does not have any symptoms of COVID-19 and other contagious disease; and
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser from all losses and damages from i) any injury or death suffered by the participant himself/herself or any other persons; and ii) any damage to property; and iii) any other participants or officials and staff of the Organiser catching COVID-19 or any other contagious disease as a result of him/her not being physically fit to participate in and complete the race or him/her suffering from COVID-19 or other contagious disease.
Public Liability Insurance is covered by the Organiser. Participants are advised to take up their own personal or other insurance policies separately, if necessary.
Anti-pandemic Arrangement
Temperature check for all visitors entering the hall is conducted at control points. Anyone with a high temperature and/or display respiratory symptoms will be denied entry.
Anyone without a face mask will be denied entry. Surgical masks are recommended.
Anyone wearing a Quarantine Order wristband will be denied entry. Security staff will report contraventions to the Police.
Staff members must have their temperature screened when reporting duty. They are required to wear face masks at all times.
QR codes for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app are posted in various locations, for record of visits and receiving notifications of possible exposure.
Staff members, organisers, exhibitors and contractors involved in the operation of exhibitions and competition during open days must undergo a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and present negative results before being admitted to the event venues.
Exhibition visitors are required to scan “LeaveHomeSafe” QR codes or leave contact details to facilitate tracing before entering the show floor.
Exhibition visitors are required to fill in a health declaration form prior to the competition and submit the physical copy on the first day of the competition.
Contractor workers and suppliers’ delivery personnel are required to have their temperature checked and complete a Health Declaration Form before being admitted.
Organiser will conduct temperature checks and carry out the latest anti-pandemic requirements from the HKSAR Government during the competition. Anyone who fails to comply with the latest anti-pandemic requirements will not be allowed to participate in the competition and no entry fees will be refunded.
Intellectual Property and Copyright
All contents of the website, such as text, graphics, images, photos, logos, trademarks, button icons, hyperlinks, audio, video, datas and software (“Website Contents”) are protected by intellectual property laws and treaties in Hong Kong and elsewhere and may not be reproduced without prior written consent of Formula Edge™ and STEM Plus. You may only print and/or download a hard copy of individual pages of this Website for your own private use, provided that you do not remove any copyright notices (if any) or you clearly indicate Formula Edge™ and STEM Plus is the copyright owner on such copy. Any authorised third-party website(s) referred to or accessed by hypertext link through this Website belongs to and remains the property of the respective owners. Formula Edge™ and STEM Plus does not acknowledge, approve or endorse these third party websites.
Race Pack Collection
Participants are required to collect his/her Race Pack at the designated Race Pack Collection location, the Organiser reserves the right to revoke participants’ right to collect the Race’s Pack without prior notice. The Organiser also reserves the right to revoke participants’ right to collect his/her Race’s Pack after the official close time of the collection period.
Organiser will check the vaccination record and/or complete the Health Declaration Form when participants collect their race packs. Participants who failed to present the vaccination proof and/or completed Health Declaration Form will not be allowed to collect their race pack. They will therefore not be able to participate in the race and no entry fee will be refunded.
Instructions Given by Officials
Instructions given by the Organiser and the race officials must be followed. The Organiser reserves the right to reject future applications of a participant who has refused to follow instructions of the race officials for all future Smart City Consortium Inter-School Formula-Edge competition and other competition organised by the Organiser.
The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any person and nullify his or her result due to any violation, breach or non-observance of any rules, laws or regulations in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Event Cancellation
Should the Event be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the Organiser or in the case of a force majeure resulting in the Event being cancelled on or before 1st December 2022, a refund of half of the entry fee will be made. The Organiser shall have no other responsibilities and/or liabilities in relation to such cancellation.
Should the Event be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the Organiser or in the case of a force majeure resulting in the Event being cancelled after 1st December 2022, no refund of the entry fee will be made. The Organiser shall have no other responsibilities and/or liabilities in relation to such cancellation.
Force Majeure
Includes and is not limited to the Organiser being unable to perform its obligations or organise or hold the Event due to fire, flood, earthquake, or other severe natural disaster or act of God; or due to protest, riot, civil disobedience, uprising, march, revolt, assembly, demonstration, occupation, commotion, mass gathering, war, terrorist, insurrection, sabotage, epidemic, pandemic, COVID-19 or other similar contagious disease or government intervention or prohibition or the likelihood of such event or act.
The Organiser may cancel the Event if tropical cyclone warning signal no.3 or above, or if a red or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 3:00 am or thereafter on the first day of the competition (16 December 2022, Friday). Please pay special attention to the weather forecast the night before the Event as it will indicate whether tropical cyclone warning signals, red or black rainstorm signals are likely to be hoisted in the forthcoming period. Please follow updates on the radio or TV announcements regarding the status of the Event from 3:00 am onwards.
Terms and Conditions are in Chinese and English. In the case of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail. The Organiser reserves the right to interpret and amend the above rules.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to contact us at fe.support@formulaedge.org.